Monday 27 October 2008

Week 02: 19/10/08 – 25/10/08

Week 02: 19/10/08 – 25/10/08 TEST PERIOD

o Sunday – Steady ride as per normal (group or solo). A few hard efforts are fine. Do not exhaust yourself

Had trouble with this ride, couldn’t keep the HR in the right zone, was always below or above the 153-158 bpm listed. Now the difference between the rides Tuesday/Thursday last week and this one, was the route. I chose a loop round the area that is fairly undulating (can’t avoid it here unless you go up and down the same flat bits) where on the Tuesday/Thursday rides I lapped round some local loops i do, mixing it up a bit, which has some nice flat sections, some nice up hills, but also some good down hills where you can see round the corners etc so can keep the power going. Route I did today, most of the down hills I couldn’t see round the corners or hard turns so couldn’t maintain a constant pace which was demoralising a little, fighting to get the HR back up into zone, but then as soon as I did found another hill etc. Poor choice by me in that respect, lesson learnt.

Cut the ride short to only 1:50 with the warm up as still tired from the week and want to be in good shape for the tests. Kept track of what i was today and yesterday and realised I have not been taking in enough calories to replace the expended from the mileage, going to keep a diary to watch that.

Long Steady Ride

Distance : 26.2 miles (28.1 with warm up and cool down)

Time : 1:39:58

Average Power : 183

Normalised Power : 206

Average HR : 152

o Monday – REST

Wanted to spin my legs a little before the TT test tomorrow, felt a lot better than Sunday, and a couple of sprints out of the saddle felt comfortable and not tiring before the session even began (unlike yesterday which as soon as i stood up to put any power down even after just 10 minutes felt very hard)

Gentle Recovery Ride – few sprints to open up the legs day before TT test

Distance : 5.15mi

Time : 26:33

Average Power : 116

Normalised Power : 156

Average HR : 123

o Tuesday – Approximate 10-mile TT as hard as you can. For example if you have a loop that takes you anywhere between 18 and 30-mins this is fine (or test on the turbo)

Disapointing, , last one i did i averaged 258 watts 5 weeks ago but no speed training since then, wont bother saying more than that.

TT Test

Distance : 10.1

Time : 28:39

Average Power : 241 (Aprox 248 if you ignore numerious occasions of cleat disengaging and no power being put down)

Normalised Power : 248 (Aprox 255 if same as above)

Average HR : 187

o Wednesday – Steady ride

Had a slightly longer warm up than prescribed as very cold and wanted to take it steady, chose a better route than the one on Sunday, higher Power by 10w for 2bpm higher, better route where I could maintain more even power.

Z1 Ride

Distance : 21.4 mi (23.96 inc warn up and cool down)

Time : 1:15:32 (1:30:40 with warm up and cool down)

Average Power : 195

Normalised Power : 207

Average HR : 154

o Thursday – Recovery spin

Recovery ride

Distance : 11.45mi

Time : 57:37

Average Power : 112

Normalised Power : 146

Average HR : 115

o Friday – MAP TEST. Start at 100 W and increase 5 W every 12-secs (25 W/min) until you can no longer keep going! Ask if unsure!

Did not go well, think I should of practised a few times on the turbo first as not something I spend time on, didn’t keep my cadence up and also relied on the power setting of +10w on the turbo which was reading much higher than the powertap. Going to do another Monday, close block and keep the cadence high as I think I toped out at around 340w which was disappointing.

o Saturday – Recovery spin with 3 x 10-sec sprints all-out

Did remember to do some sprints to open up the legs, did them up hill to ensure I was going hard.

Recovery ride

Distance : 17.42mi

Time : 1:30:05

Average Power : 109

Normalised Power : 150

Average HR : 112

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